If we’re called to live by God’s Word, then we need to know His Word. Yet over 70% of Christians have never read their entire Bible!
During BCC we’ll read through the entire Bible as a team, hear from passionate and insightful lecturers on a range of Bible topics, and inductively study 16 books across the diversity of genres, authors, and eras of the Bible. We’ll also engage in worship and prayer, 1-on-1 mentorship, group processing, exploration, and outreach across Niagara. Our emphasis is on personal transformation, not just head knowledge.
You’ll see God’s story of redemption from Genesis to Revelation brought to life, and get equipped to be a catalyst of Biblical transformation from Niagara to the nations!
Among many study methods we’ll explore, our primary tool is Inductive Study; Observing the text for what it says, Interpreting in light of the context for the original author and audience, and applying the text to us today.
12 weeks of in-class lectures, intensive Bible study, and local Niagara outreach. 1 week of dedicated local outreach.
Covers tuition, course materials, all meals, accommodations, and some adventure activities.
Does not cover transportation to YWAM, visas, insurance, and personal expenses.
Everyone needs access to a Bible in their heart language. But when we gift God’s word to the nations we should also know it deeply for ourselves!
There’s no better way to encounter Christ and His story than in a community of passionate Jesus followers. Whether we’re studying, ministering, or exploring, everything we do encourages community.
Our modular approach to education focuses on personal application over head knowledge. Students benefit from the deep investment of guest lecturers who come for one or more weeks to teach in their area of expertise.
Processing is a huge part learning. Your BCC staff will meet with you personally to help you process teaching, ask questions, pray for you, and challenge you to step further into your calling.
Already thinking of the future? This generation needs grounded leaders. BCC equips you to lead youth and young people to know God and make Him known from a strong Biblical foundation. Join our full-time missionary-staff team and see this generation transformed through your leadership in the Word.
Eager to keep learning? Opportunities for intensive learning don’t end here. BCC is a course by YWAM’s University of the Nations (UofN), College of Christian Ministries. Explore courses and degrees offered around the world that take you deeper into knowing God and making Him known.
We are in awe of what God did this summer! We truly experienced an outpouring of God’s love upon the...
We’re less than 20 days away from April 1st; the purchase closing date of YWAM Niagara Falls’ first base property,...
Can you believe it!? God has made a way for YWAM Niagara to purchase our first permanent base in Niagara...