This Vision Needs YOU

March 15, 2024

We’re less than 20 days away from April 1st; the purchase closing date of YWAM Niagara Falls’ first base property, and we need your help!

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A property alone is not our vision. Nope.

Rather, this property will be an incredible tool to better achieve the vision God has given us; to see every person encounter Christ by empowering young people to live their calling, from Niagara to the nations.

You see, over 3 billion people have never heard the Good News about Jesus, and 9 in 10 young people believe life is meaningless… But, we believe God is calling this generation to change that.

We’re dedicated to training and equipping young people to discover their calling, live it with boldness, and see the nations encounter the love and restoration of Jesus! This base is a crucial tool to host discipleship and missions focused courses (like Discipleship Training School), programs, experiences, and events for young people to know God and make Him known.

The possibilities are huge when YWAM Niagara Falls has a base to call home!

But, we can’t do it without YOU!

So far we have raised over $150,000 of our $200,000 down payment goal, due on April 1st. That’s only 25% remaining in less than 20 days! We are so grateful for those who have given already.


We need your help, would you be a part of this vision with us today? To join us in reaching this major milestone, visit

Your gift toward this base purchase directly makes our vision possible. We are so grateful for your support as we empower young people from Niagara to the nations. THANK YOU!

~ Tanner Neufeld, YWAM Niagara Director

To be a part of this milestone with us today, visit

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