We are in awe of what God did this summer! We truly experienced an outpouring of God’s love upon the young adults of Niagara through the launch of a grassroots worship movement that we’ve had the privilege of hosting at YWAM Niagara’s new permanent base.

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A local young adult recently reflected saying, “I used to think no one my age was really following Jesus anymore, now I’ve experienced him for myself and have a community on fire for the Lord!”  

Throughout the summer, 60+ young adults joined us in YWAM Niagara’s garage to seek the Lord with all their heart.Souled Out Worship” began with our team praying for a worship leader and then running into a young adult who was praying for a place to host worship! From a group of 10, each Friday night got bigger than the last and we’re now on the verge of running out of space! This is no shiny put together worship event – rather a very humble gathering in a hot and sticky garage. But God took what we had, and used it for his glory.

Since the summer, five of the young adults have gone on to do Discipleship Training School (DTS), four made the decision to get baptized, and one even experienced a miraculous healing! It was incredible to witness these young adults from churches across the region gathering to simply pursue God’s presence in their life. These times have led many of them to make significant life changes and step into areas of greater leadership in their churches. 

In the past, summers have been a time we’ve needed to scale back ministries since we haven’t been able to hold a permanent location. But, since acquiring YWAM Niagara’s base, we’ve had the capacity to host missionary-staff, short term guests, seminars, outreaches, and worship events like Souled Out. We are beyond excited for what God has already done at 2115 Portage Rd, and we know He’s just getting started!

~ Tanner Neufeld, YWAM Niagara Director

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